1) Is your site secure?

Yes, this site resides on an nyc.gov domain providing you with multiple layers of security, which includes an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer protocol).

2) Do you collect any data from users visiting the site?

No, we do not ask you to provide any information, nor collect any data from you, this site serves only as an informational portal, that can connect you to trainings, and resources.

3) Does this site require login?

No, this site is open to the public and you are not required to login to visit our site or access the information.

4) What products or services do you offer?

The Clinical Technical Assistance Unit is committed to improving HIV care outcomes across the HIV care continuum to end the HIV epidemic in New York City. 

The Training Unit’s mission is to provide comprehensive and culturally appropriate training and technical assistance to support clinical, nonclinical, and social service providers in New York City in their HIV-, STI-, and viral hepatitis-related work. We fulfill our mission by developing and disseminating evidence-based curricula, knowledge, and skills transfer, focusing on improved health outcomes and health equity.

5) Do I have to register to take the trainings?

Yes, you will have to navigate to the training learning management system which will require the creation of NYCID to access.

Need technical assistance with the online system? How do users contact customer service or support?

Phone: For assistance, text 311-692 or call 3-1-1 from within the City or 212-NEW-YORK (639-9675) outside the five boroughs.

TTY service is also available by dialing 212-504-4115.

*Include your contact information, and a summary of your issue. *